2017-06-20 09:17Press release

The Stockholm Health Tech report released


Today, Invest Stockholm released the report Health Tech – Business Opportunities in Stockholm-Uppsala. The report aims to help international investors navigate the growing health tech landscape and understand why much of the exciting development in the industry is taking place in the Stockholm region.

The number of Health Tech investments in the Stockholm-Uppsala region rose from 11 in 2015 to 20 in 2016. With 20 investments already at the end of February this year, the trend is clear. Technological innovations are transforming health care on a global scale and create business opportunities along the way.

“We’ve seen a dramatic increase in the number of investment enquiries in this sector over the last few years. The Health Tech report presents a selection of promising companies that we think will be part of the health tech revolution, says Ylva Hultman, Head of Life Science at Invest Stockholm.

Prolonged life expectancies and growing numbers of patients with chronic diseases, along with the fact that people are becoming more and more interested in assuming personal control of their health and wellness, have led to a situation where countries all over the world are facing ever- increasing demands for healthcare services.

In addition to listing the startups that are poised to change the health care industry, the report presents the reasons why so much of this interesting development is taking place in the Stockholm-Uppsala region.

”Sweden is a small country and anyone with an idea knows that they have to go global. That’s why so many global companies are born in Stockholm“ says Bonnie Roupé, CEO & Founder of Bonzun, the first complete e-health app for pregnant women.

Read the full report here.

For more information about the investment opportunities, please contact:

Ylva Hultman, Head of Life Science, Invest Stockholm,
+46(0)8 508 280 65

Stockholm Business Region, with its subsidiaries Invest Stockholm and Visit Stockholm, is the official investment and tourism promotion agency for the Stockholm region.  Stockholm is one of Europe’s most dynamic sustainable regions. Stockholm Business Region is fully owned by the City of Stockholm. Our common brand is Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia.



About Invest Stockholm

Invest Stockholm is the official investment promotion agency of Stockholm. We work with the marketing and development of the Stockholm region as a business destination under the brand Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia. Invest Stockholm is a subsidiary of Stockholm Business Region, owned by the city of Stockholm. www.investstockholm.com www.visitstockholm.com www.stockholmbusinessregion.com


Anna Gissler
CEO, Invest Stockholm
Anna Gissler