2016-12-08 14:50Press release

Stockholm-Uppsala region may become new home of EMA

As a result of the UK decision to leave the EU, several EU agencies are planning to leave the UK, including the European Medicines Agency (EMA). On Thursday, the Government of Sweden decided to actively work for EMA to be located in Sweden and the Stockholm-Uppsala region in particular. A special secretariat will be created that will organize Sweden’s candidacy. This decision is welcomed by Stockholm Business Region.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) tests and approves medicine for the European market. Today, nearly 900 people work at EMA in London. Fewer than 10 percent of them are British citizens. Every year, 40,000 people also participate in meetings in the scope of EMA’s activities.

The Stockholm-Uppsala region is one of Europe’s strongest life science clusters, comprising a number of significant public and private stakeholders. The region is home to a large part of the most prominent biomedical research and the Swedish life science industry. Together with several stakeholders, the region has worked hard to attract EMA following Brexit, efforts that are now shifting into high gear to compete with other life science clusters in Europe.

“This is pleasing news. The Stockholm-Uppsala region is well-prepared for EMA to be able to immediately continue its activities after a move. There is a strong cooperation between the academic community, healthcare services and industry. Our region also has very good connections with the rest of the world and extensive hotel capacity, which is very well suited to the Agency’s visitor-intensive work,” comments Karin Wanngård, Mayor of Stockholm (S).

More information

For further comments from Karin Wanngård, please contact Ömer Oguz, +46 76 122 92 34.

Stockholm Business Region, with its subsidiaries Invest Stockholm and Visit Stockholm, is the official investment and tourism promotion agency for the Stockholm region.  Stockholm is one of Europe’s most dynamic sustainable regions. Stockholm Business Region is fully owned by the City of Stockholm. Our common brand is Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia.



About Invest Stockholm

Invest Stockholm is the official investment promotion agency of Stockholm. We work with the marketing and development of the Stockholm region as a business destination under the brand Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia. Invest Stockholm is a subsidiary of Stockholm Business Region, owned by the city of Stockholm. www.investstockholm.com www.visitstockholm.com www.stockholmbusinessregion.com


Anna Gissler
CEO, Invest Stockholm
Anna Gissler