2017-08-17 15:00Press release

Stockholm Innovation Scholarship launched with new categories


If you have an idea or an innovation, you now have the chance to apply for the Stockholm Innovation Scholarship. Broadened scholarship categories and a simplified application process will encourage more people to apply. The scholarship is intended for innovators and entrepreneurs of all kinds who need support at an early stage.

All submissions are judged by a jury composed of 28 experienced experts from the business and innovation community. In addition to providing vital financial support at an early stage, when few other financial alternatives are available, the scholarship comprises an arena for entrepreneurs to broaden their contact network. Members of the jury are hand-selected to be able to contribute both expertise and contacts.

“The scholarship fosters entrepreneurship and supports entrepreneurs both financially and with attention early on, when it is most needed. In addition, it inspires more entrepreneurs to start their own companies and not give up,” says founder and CEO of Sthlm Music City Sara Herrlin, who is a member of the jury for the scholarship category "Creative Industries".

Sweden is considered the most innovative country in the world after Switzerland, and only Silicon Valley produces more unicorns per capita than Stockholm. This makes the jury’s work particularly exciting. There is a chance that Stockholm’s next billion-dollar company is among the applicants.

“I’m looking forward to lots of new, relevant, meaningful and sustainable solutions that make people’s lives easier, provide new customer experiences and use new technology,” says Thomas Johansson, Design Director at Electrolux and chairperson of the jury for the scholarship category “Simplify Everyday Life.”

All submissions are judged based on the City of Stockholm’s perspective on social, ecological, financial and democratic sustainability as a guide.

“It is self-evident that all innovations should be sustainable, regardless of what category you’re competing in,” says Kerstin von Bergen, project manager of the Stockholm Innovation Scholarship at Invest Stockholm.

The scholarship reflects the city’s vision to be a city for everyone and in order for more people to be able to apply, the scholarship categories have been broadened and the application process has been simplified this year. Examples of the category changes include that this year, “Life Sciences” is called “Life Sciences and Health,” “Everyday Products” has become “Simplify Everyday Life” and “Tourism Industry” has been broadened to “Travel and Tourism.” Tech, which was previously its own category, is now included everywhere.

Anyone who lives, works or studies in Stockholm County and has an innovation that fits into one of the scholarship categories may apply. Ultimately, the whole scholarship aims to generate new, innovative, robust and sustainable companies.

Important dates:
August 17: Application period begins
September 7: Breakfast meeting on everything you need to know before applying
October 12: Application period closes
November 27: Winners are announced at Stockholm City Hall

For more information, visit www.innovationsstipendiet.se.

Kerstin von Bergen, project manager, Stockholm Innovation Scholarship, Invest Stockholm, kerstin.von.bergen@stockholm.se, +46 (0) 70 47 280 54

About the Stockholm Innovation Scholarship
Stockholm Innovation Scholarship is presented in five categories: Simplify Everyday Life; Creative Industries; Life Sciences and Health; Travel and Tourism; and Social Impact and Sustainability. To be nominated, the competitor must live, work or study in Stockholm County. Each winner will receive an award of SEK 100,000 and qualified coaching. The awards will be presented by Mayor of Stockholm Karin Wanngård at a ceremony in Stockholm City Hall on November 27. The scholarship is run by Invest Stockholm, with funds from the City and the Agne Johansson Memorial Fund Foundation.

Stockholm Business Region, with its subsidiaries Invest Stockholm and Visit Stockholm, is the official investment and tourism promotion agency for the Stockholm region.  Stockholm is one of Europe’s most dynamic sustainable regions. Stockholm Business Region is fully owned by the City of Stockholm. Our common brand is Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia.



About Invest Stockholm

Invest Stockholm is the official investment promotion agency of Stockholm. We work with the marketing and development of the Stockholm region as a business destination under the brand Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia. Invest Stockholm is a subsidiary of Stockholm Business Region, owned by the city of Stockholm. www.investstockholm.com www.visitstockholm.com www.stockholmbusinessregion.com


Anna Gissler
CEO, Invest Stockholm
Anna Gissler