2014-12-11 13:00Press release

Stockholm Innovation Scholarship 2014: 7 ​entrepreneurs awarded

The winners of "Stockholms stads innovationsstipendium" (The Stockholm Innovation Scholarship), which is one of Sweden's largest, will simplify everything from assisted childbirth to changing bicycle tires. The scolars share one thing in common, They are contributing to the growth of their industry and may become tomorrow's Swedish export success.

Karin Wanngård (S), Mayor of Stockholm, awarded the scholarships today to the seven recipients during a ceremony at the Stockholm City Hall.

- Stockholm has assumed a position on the international stage as a creative region thanks to world-famous companies such as Skype, Spotify and Tobii Technology. This prize is a way to support and draw attention to the future exporters in the City, says the Mayor of Stockholm, Karin Wanngård (S).

The Stockholm Innovation Scholarship was set up in 1985 and is one of Sweden's biggest awards for innovators – amateurs and professionals – and has been an initial, financial support for many successful start up companies. The objective is to promote creativity and entrepreneurship.

- When I met this year's scholars, I was struck by high level of expertise. They represent the future within their respective field. From previous years, we know that the scholarship has been a step forward, for example, the Gestrument app for composers won the award in 2012 and is now available around the world," says Karin Wanngård.

The winners of the scholarship are selected in  seven categories that reflect Stockholm's strongest industries. Here are the winners:

1. IT & Telecom: RelationDesk (Digital tool for customer relations), Fritjof Andersson

2. Cleantech: QualiFare (tool for optimizing meal times), Camilla Byrinder

3. Cultural & creative industries: Codarica (a coding app for children), Sanna Nilsson, Lovisa Levin, Rosalyn Knapp and Marcus Lindström

4. Everyday products: Tubeix (a product for bicycles), Hans Hällström

5. Services: CityFlow (A navigation system for professional drivers), Jonas Bohman and Ulrika Bohman

6. Tourism: Tempus Fugit (a location-specific soundwalk app), Rebecka Pershagen

7. Life Sciences: Genit – Handle with care (a product for childbirth), Oliver Mohseni, Khurram Yousaf, Gunilla Ajne and Magnus Westgren

For more information

Ann-Charlotte Jönsson, PR Manager, Stockholm Business Region,

Tel: (+46) 08-508 28 507, ann-charlotte.jonsson@stockholm.se

About the Stockholm Innovation Scholarship

The Stockholm Innovation Scholarship is a prize for Stockholmers and is awarded in seven categories: IT & Telecom, Cleantech, Cultural & Creative Industries, Everyday Products, Services, Tourism and Life Sciences. In order to be nominated, the competitors must live or work/study in the City of Stockholm. The scholarships are made public during a ceremony at Stockholm City Hall on December 11. The scholarships are awarded by the Finance Department Commissioner for the City of Stockholm, Karin Wanngård.

Stockholm Business Region, with its subsidiaries Stockholm Business Region Development and Stockholm Visitors Board,  is the official investment and tourism promotion agency for the Stockholm region.  Stockholm is one of Europe’s most dynamic sustainable regions. Stockholm Business Region is fully owned by the City of Stockholm. Our common brand is Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia.


About Invest Stockholm

Invest Stockholm is the official investment promotion agency of Stockholm. We work with the marketing and development of the Stockholm region as a business destination under the brand Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia. Invest Stockholm is a subsidiary of Stockholm Business Region, owned by the city of Stockholm. www.investstockholm.com www.visitstockholm.com www.stockholmbusinessregion.com


Anna Gissler
CEO, Invest Stockholm
Anna Gissler