2016-09-27 07:10Press release

Stockholm Economy: Continued economic growth for Stockholm

During the second quarter 2016 Stockholm’s economic growth continued. Compared to the same quarter 2015, the Stockholm Economy Report shows a decrease in unemployment and an increase in gross pay data and number of companies started.

- Stockholm's growth continues, the labor market is strengthened and housing construction picks up, which is important for the city's future development, says Olle Zetterberg, CEO Stockholm Business Region. 

In total 6 378 new companies were registered in Stockholm County during the second quarter of 2016, whereof the City of Stockholm accounted for 3761. This represents a 20 % increase for the county and 21 % increase for the city compared to the second quarter 2015.During the last quarter the number of people employed increased as did the number of listed positions. The largest increase of listed positions was in the construction and health care sectors.

The last four quarters the number of residents has increased by 35 000 in Stockholm County, of which the City of Stockholm accounted for 10 800, representing a two percent increase for the county and one percent for the city. The number of housing projects increased in both the county and the City of Stockholm in relation to the same quarter last year. In total 15 800 apartments were started in Stockholm County during the last four quarters, whereof about 6 500 in the City of Stockholm.

About the report
The report is published each quarter by Stockholm Business Region. The report includes Stockholm County and the City of Stockholm. Statistics used is collected from Statistics Sweden, The Labour Exchange and The Swedish Companies Registration Office.

Download the report here:

Questions can be addressed to Stefan Frid, Invest Stockholm
stefan.frid@stockholm.se, +46 (0) 8 508 28 016

Stockholm Business Region, with its subsidiaries Stockholm Business Region Development and Stockholm Visitors Board,  is the official investment and tourism promotion agency for the Stockholm region.  Stockholm is one of Europe’s most dynamic sustainable regions. Stockholm Business Region is fully owned by the City of Stockholm. Our common brand is Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia.


About Invest Stockholm

Invest Stockholm is the official investment promotion agency of Stockholm. We work with the marketing and development of the Stockholm region as a business destination under the brand Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia. Invest Stockholm is a subsidiary of Stockholm Business Region, owned by the city of Stockholm. www.investstockholm.com www.visitstockholm.com www.stockholmbusinessregion.com


Anna Gissler
CEO, Invest Stockholm
Anna Gissler