2013-03-14 07:31Press release

Life science hotlist to attract investments to Stockholm


It is going to be easier for foreign investors to find partners in Stockholm and Uppsala. Stockholm-Uppsala Life Science Investment Hotlist is now being launched, a tool presenting the region's hottest investment prospects to investors.

“With Stockholm-Uppsala Life Science Investment Hotlist, we provide a stamp of quality,” says Ylva Hultman-Erlandsson, business development manager responsible for life science at Stockholm Business Region Development. “There is considerable interest in the region among foreign investors; we have a strong reputation in the research sphere and a multitude of exciting companies. Now we have to improve at converting this into partnerships and commercial successes. The list does the groundwork for those looking for investment opportunities.”

The list has been prepared in collaboration with the consulting firm Avanture and initially includes 20 companies, clearly defined by position, future prospects, needs and contact opportunities. By creating awareness of the list via investor meetings, PR and social media, it can be established as a tool for investors. The list will be continuously revised and companies will be added or removed.

To qualify for the list, the companies must offer a product or service, based on unique research, that will lead to a commercial solution with global potential. They must also have established themselves in the market with a finished product or service, alternatively, be close to the commercialization phase.

“The overriding objective is to make the companies visible among the investors and bring about meetings and presentation opportunities,” says Ylva Hultman-Erlandsson. “We'll reach 150 meetings for the companies during 2013."

The selected companies are:

Abera Bioscience, BinaryBio, BioLamina, Biovica, Corline Systems, Diamyd Medical, Episurf Medical, Inerventions, IRRAS, KeytoLead, ModPro, NeoDynamics, NoseLabs, Oss-Q, Premune, Q-linea, Senzime, Spiber Technologies, Xbrane Bioscience and Xspray.

Stockholm-Uppsala Life Science Investment Hotlist can be downloaded as a related document to this press release, see below.  

For more information
Per Holmlund, PR Manager, Stockholm Business Region
+46 70-472 80 69, per.holmlund@stockholm.se

About Stockholm Business Region
Stockholm Business Region is the official investment promotion agency for the Stockholm region. Stockholm is one of Europe’s most dynamic regions. With continual high growth, world-leading clusters within life science, cleantech and ICT, and as a center for fashion and design, Stockholm is the natural capital city of Scandinavia.

About Invest Stockholm

Invest Stockholm is the official investment promotion agency of Stockholm. We work with the marketing and development of the Stockholm region as a business destination under the brand Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia. Invest Stockholm is a subsidiary of Stockholm Business Region, owned by the city of Stockholm. www.investstockholm.com www.visitstockholm.com www.stockholmbusinessregion.com


Anna Gissler
CEO, Invest Stockholm
Anna Gissler