2017-04-04 06:16Press release

​Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces the establishment of a datacenter region in Stockholm


Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the establishment of a new datacenter region in the Stockholm area. The new AWS EU (Stockholm) Region will be operational in 2018.

“AWS’s decision to open a new region in Sweden to serve the Nordics with flexible, secure, reliable, and low latency cloud services confirms that Sweden has the best possible conditions to operate large-scale datacenters,” says Tomas Sokolnicki, head of data centers at Business Sweden. “This investment will further accelerate Sweden’s position as a leading choice for mission critical cloud and IT infrastructure.”

Sweden’s unique combination of low energy costs, the lowest in the European Union, together with a strong renewable energy base, a near zero-carbon footprint and robust fiber connectivity makes it one of Europe’s most ideal locations for datacenters.

Sweden has a strong proven track record in the digital economy, driven by a high rate of technology adoption and an innovative business climate. The adoption of cloud has matured to an advanced stage where the private and public sectors increasingly are relying more on cloud infrastructure. An AWS datacenter region in Stockholm will provide Nordic companies, public sector organizations and other international companies the infrastructure needed to offer their digital services and serve their customers with a low latency local solution.

“Stockholm is home to major headquarters of large multinationals as well as fast scaling startups such as Spotify, Klarna, and King at a level not seen anywhere except in Silicon Valley. In addition to being close to important decision makers within these companies Stockholm, being an internet hub with 125 connected networks and all the major carriers, allows datacenter operators and content providers to connect redundantly to end users in the Nordics as well as Russia” says Torbjörn Bengtsson, head of data centers at Invest Stockholm.

AWS’s decision is further evidence that Sweden is open for business and one of the best places in the world for technology companies to test, grow and expand their business.

This announcement has been welcomed by Sweden’s Innovation and Enterprise Minister, Mikael Damberg.

"I am very happy to welcome AWS to Sweden. Their decision to establish a new region in our country is a recognition of Sweden’s competitive position within the European Union (EU), with the highest levels of renewable energy, in the power grid, in the EU, as well as a world leading digital infrastructure and IT industry. The AWS investment in Sweden will strengthen our position in the global digital shift. For us, trade in a modern globalized economy is not only about goods, but also about services, sharing of knowledge, and the free flow of data” said Mr Damberg.

Invest Stockholm, Data Centers by Sweden, an initiative led by Business Sweden, and in close collaboration with the regional development agencies, and local government teams have worked alongside AWS throughout the various phases of the decision and site selection process.

For additional information please contact:

Torbjörn Bengtsson, Business Development Manager, Invest Stockholm

T: +46704728006 E: torbjorn.bengtsson@stockholm.se

Karl Mellon, VP Investments, Business Sweden

T: +16507933699 E: karl.mellon@business-sweden.se

Tomas Sokolnicki, Senior Investment Advisor, Data Centers by Sweden

T: +46706427831 E: tomas.sokolnicki@business-sweden.se

About Invest Stockholm

Invest Stockholm is the official investment promotion agency of Stockholm. We work with the marketing and development of the Stockholm region as a business destination under the brand Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia. Invest Stockholm is a subsidiary of Stockholm Business Region, owned by the city of Stockholm. Read more at www.investstockholm.com

About Business Sweden

Business Sweden’s purpose is to help Swedish companies reach their full international potential and foreign companies to invest and expand in Sweden. We offer our customers strategic advice and hands-on support. Read more at www.business-sweden.com

About Data Centers by Sweden

Data Centers by Sweden is a national partnership between selected Swedish regions with prepared site solutions and corporate partners specialized in key investment aspects, offering support around site selection and due diligence for strategic or large-scale data centers. The project is managed by Business Sweden and partly financed by The Swedish Agency for Economical and Regional Growth. Read more at www.datacentersbysweden.com

Stockholm Business Region, with its subsidiaries Invest Stockholm and Visit Stockholm, is the official investment and tourism promotion agency for the Stockholm region.  Stockholm is one of Europe’s most dynamic sustainable regions. Stockholm Business Region is fully owned by the City of Stockholm. Our common brand is Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia.



About Invest Stockholm

Invest Stockholm is the official investment promotion agency of Stockholm. We work with the marketing and development of the Stockholm region as a business destination under the brand Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia. Invest Stockholm is a subsidiary of Stockholm Business Region, owned by the city of Stockholm. www.investstockholm.com www.visitstockholm.com www.stockholmbusinessregion.com


Anna Gissler
CEO, Invest Stockholm
Anna Gissler